7. The Not So Good- The hotel Lobby was unusually dark and looked rather dated- The bathroom could have come from any motel; it was functional but no 'design' had gone in to making it comfortable or welcoming - 70' marble effect counter tops, brown tiling, lino flooring; felt rather shabby- although the bedroom was appropriately appointed and had a comfotable bed, it was not an inviting room and looked like you'd stepped back into the 70s (sorry, I keep harking on about the dated quality of the hotel)- No Wifi in the hotel rooms, thought there was ethernet connectivity (useless if, like me, you now rely on an iPad when travelling)- Free Wifi in the lobby areas was great, except the signal was only strong on the floors below (coffee shop) and above (conference centre); so sitting in the lobby, you had to really struggle to get a connection.