6. aprox one year ago sorry cant remember date
i had a room at sahara hotel
about 2am sitting on the bed i had a bed bug jump on my lap off the ceiling i killed it with a tissue and there was alot of blood
i wasnt sure of what it was at the time
about 20 mins later another one jumped on me
over the next 2 hours i had a total of 4 bed bugs jump on me
i finally gently killed one and brought it down to the front desk
i checked out of the room at that time and they said they would send security up to the room to check it out
they didnt say what the bug was i asked them if it was a bed bug but they didnt comment on it
after i got home that night i looked up on the internet and realized it was a bed bug
pretty nasty looking bug with alot of blood inside it very scary
i dont know what the hotel did about that room
wish i knew.