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Days Inn - Indianapolis

Average Price: $73  
Hotel Class:
2150 North Post Road
Indianapolis, 46219 View map  
2-Star Hotel Rank: 82 of 88
Average review rating: 1.7
OpinionWell Value Index: NA
Traveler reviews analyzed: BedBugRegistry (5) , Expedia (7) , Travelocity (5) , TripAdvisor (24) , YahooTravel (3)
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Appears in 7 comments. 
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good (2)   hotel (3)   inn (5)   management (2)   problem (2)    
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1. If I pull into a chain hotels parking lot I expect a basic level of service and cleanliness.
"Absolutely horrible " Read full review on TripAdvisor   7/2/2008 Vote      
2. In a service industry, which my husband and I are both in, there should be some flexibility for the customer if you want them to return and spread the good word about their business.
"Don't stay here! These people are crooks! " Read full review on TripAdvisor   5/25/2010 Vote      
3. But I guess to Day's Inn policy is more important than people and service.
"Don't stay here! These people are crooks! " Read full review on TripAdvisor   5/25/2010 Vote      
4. Now, you would think in order to keep a customer for the future they would be willing to extend some good customer service but this hotel, the manager Andy, and Day's Inn customer service must have a bad track record and must really fear the empty room so they are trying to get money any way they can-by taking it from people who aren't even using their service.
"Don't stay here! These people are crooks! " Read full review on TripAdvisor   5/25/2010 Vote      
5. I have never heard of a manager who refuses to call customers to smooth over an issue or a customer service representative who is okay with ripping people off to the tune of $500.
"Don't stay here! These people are crooks! " Read full review on TripAdvisor   5/25/2010 Vote      
6. Finally we called Day's Inn customer service headquarters and spoke with John and were told that because we had a contract we are not going to be let out of it and therefore does not indicate poor customer service, that the original quote of being charged only for one day was the hotel mispeaking, and that he has no problems with it reflecting poorly on Day's Inn.
"Don't stay here! These people are crooks! " Read full review on TripAdvisor   5/25/2010 Vote      
7. This is the second time I`ve had a problem with a days inn that I`ve directed to customer service.
"Absolutely horrible " Read full review on TripAdvisor   7/2/2008 Vote      
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